
Vuex offers a great way to mutate state items with the use of mutations and actions. Vuex-asr enables you to bind those actions and mutations the same way you could bind state and getters by the component's attributes. In this chapter we discuss the use of mutations.



vuex mutations in a nutshell

Mutations are methods used in the store to change/mutate the state and keep track of those changes/mutations. Read more about mutations in the vuex guide/mutations.


Keeping track of mutations is very helpful for debugging. It's recommended to download the vue.js devtools for chrome. If you go to the Vuex tab, you'll see your mutations and state.

the store

Let's take a look at the following store,



// src/vuex/store.js

export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    message: "message in the root of the store",
  mutations: {
    setMessage(state, message) {
      console.log("message was mutated with: ", message);
      state.message = message;

creating a two way binding with a state item and a mutation

We bind a state item and a mutation to a component


 // src/App.vue


The component now has state item message and method setMessage available:


// src/components/ExampleMessageWithEventHandler.vue

  <div class="example-component-with-event-handler">
    <p class="message">{{ message }}</p>
    <input v-bind:value="message" @keyup="setMessage">

Notice we bind the message to the value of the input and an event-handler that get's triggered at keyup.

And voila we have a nice two way binding at our hands implementing a mutation.


Since we are also able to alias our mutations we could easily reuse this component to create an instance with other store bindings:

asume we have:



// src/vuex/store.js

export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    message: "message in the root of the store",
    anotherMessage: "another message in the root of the store"
  mutations: {
    setMessage(state, message) {
      console.log("message was mutated with: ", message);
      state.message = message;
    setAnotherMessage(state, message) {
      console.log("anotherMessage was mutated with: ", message);
      state.anotherMessage = message;

now we could bind the component like this with our alias syntax:


 // src/App.vue
    asr-bind-state="anotherMessage AS message"
    asr-bind-mutations="setAnotherMessage AS setMessage"



Namespacing is discussed in more detail here, but for convenience below an example with a mutation:


 // src/App.vue
    asr-bind-state="GENERAL/anotherMessage AS message"
    asr-bind-mutations="GENERAL/setAnotherMessage AS setMessage"



read more about namespacing

next step

When we need multiple mutations to happen or do asynchronous actions, we use actions, read all about it in the next chapter.