binding a configuration
Since vuex-asr is intended to make building large scale applications more easy let's see how we could bind multiple objects to a component with the use of a configuration.
At first asr-bind-state-config was intended to replace the multiple variable declaration at component asr-bind-state property as shown in the previous chapter. But I found that both options have their own charm.
So what is this anyway:
elevates the declaration of bindings from the Vue template to the store.
Below an example store:
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
message: "message in the root of the store",
anotherMessage: "another message in the root of the store",
messageConfig: [
binderType: "state",
bind: "message"
binderType: "actions",
bind: "setMessageAsync",
alias: "setMessage"
binderType: "getters",
bind: "messageCapitalized",
alias: "anotherMessage"
binderType: "state",
namespace: "USER/SETTINGS",
bind: "message",
alias: "userSettingsMessage"
now we bind the config to a component in our App.vue file:
// src/App.vue
<div id="app">
<message-board asr-bind-state-config="messageConfig" />
And that's it.
Let's see what the properties of config item do:
With the binderType property we assign what type of binding we have, the options are:
- state
- getters
- mutations
- actions
The namespace property is by default null and defaults to the root.
In the messageConfig from above you can see that we bind a message from the namespace USER\SETTINGS
The capitalization of the namespaces is just a preference.
The bind property contains the name of the variable as stored in it's namespace.
The alias property contains the name of the variable as used in the component.
I'm looking for a nice implementation of this as an example and will post it on this page shortly.